amir and his first collection
By Wellness, The Next Big Thing
amir hazif is the eldest of 4 siblings. I wanted him to cultivate the interest in numismatic so that he could understand the creation and evolution of money. In January 2008, we lined-up in the Central Bank of Malaysia at 8am in the morning just to get a new issue of RM50 banknote. As each person was allowed to buy a piece each, we had to queue twice to get 4 pieces of RM50. There was also a group of Bangladeshi factory workers of 35-40 nos. unboarding a blue factory bus and lined-up to get new notes. Later I learned that it was the factory owner, an avid banknote collector, who instructed his workers to buy a piece each from the bank ...... ha .. ha .. ha
1 Response to amir and his first collection
Salam fx070707.....banyak juga koleksi awk, syabas saya ucapkan. terima kasih kerana berkunjung keblog saya...tak ada hal kalau nak join group, boleh bertukar2 pandangan dan ilmu berkaitan koleksi syiling/wang lama dan baru. teruskan mengumpul dan updatelah selalu blog awk.
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